Efficient cleaning solutions for photovoltaic systems. Since SCM is the only global manufacturer that offers solutions for both hydraulic arms and robots (manual and automatic), so we can advise our customers which is the best solution according to their needs.
SUMMARY At present, we live in a world of constant evolution and there are great discoveries that have allowed us to develop more and more accurate machines. Therefore, in this article a brief comparison will be made and we will discover the great advantages of electronic regulation in the cleaning arms of photovoltaic parks. We see this throughout the industry where it has gone from purely mechanical systems as it was in the industrial revolution S. XVIII to have a great variety of electrical-electronic components in our days.
Solar Cleaning Machinery Given the wide variety of photovoltaic panels and support structures that have the parks generating electricity from solar energy, our product has a lot of “tailor-made solution for the cleaning of panels and solar installations”. As a general rule, they force all companies that want to work with them to have a certification or receive very hard audits. Our solar panel cleaning equipment is recognized as leading products.
Solar Cleaning Machinery The care of our energies deserves constant improvements in the hitherto not sufficient market of the maintenance of renewable energy installations. Last December, the first edition of the international renewable energy fair, EXPOFIMER, was held. It was organized by AEMER and Zaragoza fair. It was an event dedicated to the O&M of renewable energies, with great national and international presence, as was our case, of photovoltaic energy.
We do not intend to sell one type of product at all costs. Our mission is to offer you the best product based on the different types of problems to be solved. We propose the best solution to each client’s problem, whether or not it is done with our equipment.
De acuerdo con lo establecido por la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), el cliente/usuario queda informado y presta su consentimiento a la incorporación de sus datos a un fichero del que es responsable SOLAR CLEANING MACHINERY S.L. que ha sido debidamente inscrito en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos con la finalidad de informarle sobre los productos y servicios solicitados, así como el envío de comunicaciones comerciales sobre los mismos. Le informamos también sobre sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, que podrá ejercer en el domicilio social de SOLAR CLEANING MACHINERY S.L., sito en C/ COSO 51 PLANTA 5 - 50001 ZARAGOZA - ZARAGOZA.
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